Ladies and gentlemen, the next three languages in the audio declarations…
I wanted languages that resonate with not just a majority, but even a minority, but with strong roots and connection to their language.
French they say is the language of love. Even the prayers/declarations sound so romantic!
Connecting with Edna from Cameroon was a blessing. A native speaker of French and also a translator at her church. Edna was ssoo gracious throughout our interactions and I’m blessed to have her on this. Pls help me celebrate her.
Another culturally deeply rooted and ‘sweet- to-listen-to-language’- Hausa. Work Faith John! You would think we rehearsed this together. Faith did ssoo well. She didn’t just speak, like Edna, she translated in writing as well. Thank you so much Faith. Pls help me celebrate her.
Finally, Igbo kwenu!!!!!! (Don’t even know if I spelt that right
.) I found another professional in Amarachi Okereke. A translator and voice-over artist in her own right! My name was a struggle for her, but with some effort, we got something close enough
. I don’t take you for granted. Thank you soo much. Please help me celebrate Amarachi.
All languages are available in written form as well. Send me a DM if interested. Now, let’s download and ssshhaarreee!
I see these declarations on AFMAG and BBC Pidgin!